I just made a QSO with TO4IPA (op. Henri) from Martinique on 20m SSB thanks to Enesto who sent me the spot.
TO4IPA - FM5AM Paul, FM5GI Jean Baptiste, FM5CW Valere, FM5CY Claude. - F6FLO Henri IPA team will work 18/04/2013 - 02/05/2013 of the city of St Pierre MARTINIQUE on SSB-CW-RTTY - PSK.
I am preparing an expedition to YO-la and am in doubt about which radio to carry with me. The three candidates are a Yaesu FT-897D, a Yaesu FT-857D and a Yaesu FT-817ND. Each one of them has its own advantages. The FT-897 is the most powerful, because it can give its full output of 100W with the YT-100 antenna tuner, and the FT-817ND is the lightest. The FT-857D is in between, being able to work at 60W with the SG-211 tuner. What do you think?