Thursday, February 28, 2013

First tests with my FT-897D trolley

On this video you can see the first tests with my FT-897D trolley.

I was using a vise grip antenna mount on an iron bench with a collapsible military whip antenna.


  1. Hey Diego, I'm new to HAM and am a fan of the rigs you have constructed. Where do you go to get information on how to construct these backpack units? The reason I ask is that I am looking to construct one. Being new at this, I want to do it right.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    Brian - EF5SST
    Texas, USA

    1. There are several yahoo groups I have consulted (ft-897, ft-857, hfpack, realhfmobile), and also particular homepages you can find on google (yo3hjv, w7ki, 2e0edx, ok1bil, pinztrek). You can also watch Orange County Choppers or Biker Build-Off for inspiration!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you very much. I'm learning a lot by watching your videos. Thank you for taking the time to make them.
