I have just received the eQSL for a QSO on the 20m band with Swedish special event station SE800M (operator: Tom). This makes the country number 18 validly confirmed through eQSL for my eDX award (25 countries), which is the target I have set myself for the PRC320.
King River Dx group celebrate the community of Marstrand, founded by king Håkon (IV) Håkonsson, about 800 years ago.

Marstrand is a small community and Island on the beautiful West Coast of Sweden, 40 km from Gothenburg and 25 km from Kungalv. The charming old houses, the Carlsten Fortress, the walking paths, and the absence of cars make this Island a very pleasant resort.
Operators working SE800M are SM6VVT Tom, SM6CKS Sture, SE6Y Rolf, SM6NM Lars and sometimes other. Usually they work SE800M from their homes near Marstrand, but every now and then they visit the Island of Marstrand, or other Islands near Marstrand like Koön or Insön, put up some antennas and work SE800M/IOTA EU-043.
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