Today I made a QSO with a couple of stations near Milan, on the 20m band with the PRC-320. The first one was with I2YKT (Tino) from Voghera, 70km South of Milan. The temperature over there was 4 degrees C. He gave me a serial number or 050 for the International Carnival of Viareggio.

On the right you can see a picture of Burlamacco, the clown-like figure which presides over the carnival in the Tuscan town of Viareggio, and is the town's mascot. Burlamacco was first depicted in 1931 by Uberto Bonetti; A competition had been held for the design of the mascot and his was the winning entry. He had chosen the red and white of the outfit from the traditional colours of the umbrellas on the beach at Viareggio and the name came 8 years later; it is derived from the Burlamacca river. To this day Burlamacco remains a feature of the carnival and there is a statue of him all the year round on the Lungomare in Viareggio.
The other QSO was with David (IZ2LRT) who speaks perfect Spanish and complemented me on the modulation of the PRC-320, and asked be about the antenna I was using.
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