Today I made a couple of QSOs with the FT857D because it was too cold to stay outside with the PRC-320. The first one was on the 15m band with LU4VL (operator Juan) from the province of Río Negro, in the South of Argentina. Juan told me it was sunny and very hot over there, and that he was working with an old FT101ZD, a linear amplifier at 600W and a multiband yagi 25m above the ground.

The second QSO was on the 20m band with the South African station ZS6CCY (operator Bill). First licenced ZE1DX in 1970 in what was formerly Rhodesia and trained in radiocommunication engineering, he moved to Perth, Western Australia, in 1981 as VK6ACY. Over there he ran a successful radio networking and high site business. But 20 year past-time of photo graphic safaris on the Zambezi River,Lake Cahora Bassa-Mocambique and the Okavango Delta, Botswana, led to full time game ranching in the Waterberg area of South Africa upon returning home in 1999. Previously keen on EME, he conducted the irst Africa/USA 144Mhz EME in May 1975 with WA6LET. His favourite bands now are 20 and 75 with a 6 element monoband yagi at 95ft and a full size 4 square respectively. The picture shows the base of one of the 75m 4 square vertcals.
Caramba Diego, no paras y cada vez mejores contactos .... que envidia sana me das !!!
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