The SOTA programme does not allow contacts from motor vehicles or the use of fossile fuels as a source of power for the rigs, which adds to the challenge of getting to the summits.
We are approaching 1 August, the day the Summits On The Air (SOTA) programme will start in EA1 (Spain - North West). There are nearly 200 references in four regions that will be valid from next Sunday, 1 August, and other regions that will follow shortly (hopefully).
I plan on going to EA1/CR-002 (Pendella) and be active on 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m and 6m as propagation conditions permit, both on SSB and CW. You may check the HFpack calling frequencies:
I may also try some 2m FM frequencies in order to be in contact with other activators and the fellows back home, such as 145375.
On this video I make a QSO with English station M0UOO/P (Richard) operating from the beach in Southampton.
The solar generator produced just enough energy to keep the battery's charge. I also had it connected to the radio for 15 minutes after I had finished operating (with the radio switched off) so I think that the batteries were fuller at the end of the day than when I started.